New Zealand Rules
PBA Qualifier Rules
PBA Qualifier Rules
A match, with each player having four bowls (Pairs matches will consist of four bowls with each player having 2 each), will consist of two sets, each set played over 7 ends or 9 ends depending on country. The winner of each set will be the player (pair) with the most shots at the completion of the 7th or 9th end depending on country. A set will be decided, with advice from the marker as may be required, if at any point it becomes impossible for one player (pair) to draw or win the set given the number of ends remaining. The winner of the match being the best of two sets.
If the shot scores are tied after the last end of a set, the set will be drawn (scored 1/2-1/2). If the match is tied at two drawn sets or one set each, a best of three ends match tie breaker will be played to determine the winner. This will be the winner of each end and NOT the total number of shots won in the three ends. If at the end of the deciding third end of the match tie breaker the scores are equal, a fourth end will be played with each player delivering a single bowl (pair-skip to play a single bowl each) to determine the winner. If opposing bowls are equi-distant from the jack, they will be removed and further single bowls will be played to determine the winner. During the fourth end, the jack, if hit off the rink, will be re spotted as described in Rule 7.
In all other cases a “no score” end will count as an end.
Play will be in both directions. The player (pair) winning the toss shall have the choice of starting or giving away the jack in the first set. The loser of the toss shall have the choice of starting in the second set. The winner of an end will start the next end in the same set.
In a match tie breaker, the player (pair) winning the toss shall choose whether to take the jack or give it away in either the first & third ends (assuming it goes to a third end) or to take or give away the jack in the second end. In the event of a fourth end being played the player (pair) winning a “new” toss shall have the choice of starting.
The player (pair) to start will select where to place the mat along the centre line of the rink and deliver the jack. A full length jack will be at the 3m T mark, from the 3m mat line
In the event of the jack being hit off the rink, it will be replaced at one of two predefined points on the rink which are 300mm behind the 3m T mark and half way between the centre line of the rink and the edge of the rink, before the next bowl is delivered or the end decided. If the jack is hit off the rink to the right it will be repositioned on the right predefined point and so on. When the predefined point is occupied, the jack will be repositioned at the nearest available position along the line between the predefined points and the centre line of the rink, but not touching an obstructing bowl.
In the third end of a match tie breaker (ONLY), each player (pair) will be entitled to “kill / burn” the end once, with the end being replayed (Players must clearly declare to the marker an intention to kill the end, prior to the delivery of each bowl), unless such a prior declaration is made, and in all other circumstances there will be no dead ends and the re-spot rule (No.7) will apply.
The jack, when hit into the ditch within the rink width, will remain in play and not be repositioned.
Any bowl leaving the confines of the rink (except on delivery) and not a live toucher in the ditch will be deemed to be dead and immediately removed.
A live rebounding jack, within the confines of the rink, but is less than the minimum of 20m, will be repositioned at the appropriate predefined point as described in (7).
Measurements between the jack, including a repositioned jack, and the live bowls will be carried out in the normal manner.
Play will be continuous. In singles, a player may visit the head only after delivery of their third bowl. In very exceptional & limited circumstances, such as at a key point in the game, a request to visit the head earlier in the end may be made to the marker. At this stage, both players will be entitled to visit the head, but this must be together and without undue delay. After this exceptional visit both players must return to the mat at the same time. In pairs, the leads will not visit the head, nor the skips leave the head during the delivery of the first four lead bowls. The change over between both the leads & the skips shall be at the same time and without delay. Exceptionally, the skips may visit the head after they have both delivered their first bowls. No other visits to the head will be permitted.
In Pairs matches, the order of play (lead/skip) may be changed by either pair after the end of each set. The decision to change must be notified to the match official prior to the start of the following set & match tie break, and once notified, cannot be reversed until the end of the next set.
Player’s dress code will be predominately white trousers/skirt/shorts or coloured trousers/skirt/shorts manufactured specifically for bowls, with white or coloured shirt/polo/blouse. Player’s personal sponsorship must be approved by the PBA/WBT and be worn on the left hand sleeve and not exceeding 6 square inches (39 square centi-metres)
Players are required to be ready and available to commence their matches at any time during the programmed session time. Prior to the start of a match, each player will be allowed two trial ends (one each way). Players should be at the venue at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of their match.
In all other circumstances the Laws of the Game (as modified by WBT) & WBT / PBA Code of Conduct / Ethics & Tournament Conditions will apply to all participants, who will also be responsible for their guests present at the event.
PLAYERS PLEASE NOTE: The TV tournament rules are different to the qualifying tournament rules in several areas including the colour of bowl that you will be allowed to use. It is therefore important that any player winning a qualifying tournament should familiarise themselves with the TV rules which are also on this website.